Looking Back to Look Ahead

  Looking Back at September Overall, the economy is doing well.  There does seem to be one spot that we would like to focus on this month:  The Housing Market. Looking at the data on Housing for the month of September, it appears to be taking a different direction from the rest of the economy. …

Looking Back to Look Ahead

Looking Back at August The second quarter growth rate for our gross national product was reported at 4.3%. This and other indicators imply that our economy is growing, our labor market is strong and wages have risen slightly. Despite some “noise” about jitters, the economy is growing and consumer spending and sentiment are very strong.…

Terminology: Cryptocurrency

Definition:  A digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer. Simply put, cryptocurrencies are electronic peer-to-peer currencies.  They don’t physically exist. The are many types of cryptocurrencies.  Bitcoin is probably the most well-known.  The pioneer in cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin was created in 2009 by…

Looking into the Future

Looking Back at July The second quarter 2018 Real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was first reported at a 4.1% annual growth rate.  Many analysts are projecting that the US will end up the year with 3% growth. While the economy is very strong and the market is still trending upward, the ‘earnings season’ beginning on…

Terminology: Volatility

Volatility is how much uncertainty or risk is present regarding a change in the value of a security. It indicates how much and how quickly the value of an investment, market or market sector changes over time. The consensus is that the higher the volatility, the riskier the security.  Volatility also refers to the amount…

Terminology: Tariff

A tariff is essentially a tax levied on a product coming into a country.  In the US, tariffs are paid at the time goods enter the country.  The purpose of the tariffs is to push the cost of the goods coming into the country higher, in turn, encouraging US firms to buy from other US…

A Tale of Two Worlds

Looking Back at June The U.S. economic data for June 2018 was very strong. While it should indicate a strong upward market movement, trade and tariff policies currently in play have slowed the rise of the market. Investors are caught between a strong economy and uncertain trade policies. As new policies were addressed, the market…